Mission: Bring wellness to society
Wellness means the state of being in good health, physically and mentally. Wellness can be achieved through our overall way of living, not through any particular activity. Wellness requires self-discipline and time. There is no short-cut. Thus, TIPCO aims not only to sell products but also to learn and understand people’s way of living in order to create and propose living patterns that lead to the well-being of people by using products and services to bring wellness to society.
Vision: A market driving company that enhances value to stakeholders
To realize our mission, TIPCO not only focuses on the needs of consumers but also leads and drives changes in consumers’ behaviors and living patterns. Leading and driving the market will enhance value to all stakeholders from employees, customers, trading partners, business alliances, shareholders and lenders to communities and society as a whole. That is, we aim to improve the well-being of each and every party.